学術論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル(題目) URL, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月(日), DOI
1 | Numerical Investigation of Transient Breakdown Voltage Enhancement in SOI LDMOS by Using a Step P-Type Doping Buried Layer , Micromachines, 14( 4), 1- 14, 2023年04月, https://doi.org/10.3390/mi14040887-20
2 | A Novel Approximate Spectral Clustering Algorithm With Dense Cores and Density Peaks , IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS, 52( 4), 2348- 2360, 2022年04月, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2021.3049490
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5 | Statistical and Geometrical Methods: A Comparative Study on Color Transfer to Dark Image , Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, 8( 2), 63- 72, 2020年04月,
6 | Anisotropic Joint Trilateral Rolling Filter for Image Smoothing , Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, 7( 3), 91- 98, 2019年07月,
7 | A New Memristive Chaotic System and the Generated Random Sequence , 電子情報通信学会(英文誌), E102–A( 4), 665- 667, 2019年04月,
8 | Stiffness judgment of objects through teleoperation systems based on direct force reflection control , Review of Scientific Instruments, 90( 2), 025002-1- 025002-9, 2019年02月,
9 | An Adaptive Noise Reduction Method for NDVI Time Series Data Based on S–G Filtering and Wavelet Analysis , Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 46( 12), 1975- 1982, 2018年12月,
10 | Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Change of Vegetation Coverage of Three-River Source Region Based on Landsat Data , Yellow River, Vol. 40( No. 395), 68- 72, 2018年07月,
11 | Novel Secure Communication Based on Chaos Synchronization , 電子情報通信学会(英文誌), E101–A( 7), 1132- 1135, 2018年07月,
12 | 色転写を用いたグレースケール画像の着色 , 映像情報メディア学会論文誌, 61( 6), 837- 841, 2007年,
13 | Estimation of Surface Reflectance Parameters from Image Sequence , 芸術科学会論文誌, 1( 1), 8- 14, 2002年,
14 | Two Dimensional Shape Blending Based on Centroid of Mass , 映像メディア学会論文誌, 52( 7), 1062- 1064, 1998年,